About Us
We are a team of research scientists and engineers from the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory that developed NeuVue with the help of a friendly axonolotl!
NeuVue is a software platform created for large-scale proofreading of machine segmentation and neural circuit reconstruction in high-resolution electron microscopy connectomics datasets. NeuVue provides an intuitive interface for proofreaders to collaboratively view, annotate, and edit segmentation and connectivity data. NeuVue has everything you need for a high-throughput proofreading workflow! Analytical dashboards, data visualization tools, and simple API enables stakeholders real-time access to proofreading progress at an individual proofreader level as well as global reconstruction quality insights. NeuVue is intentionally agnostic to the underlying data management backend and can be easily deployed in an AWS environment. Proofreaders can work with powerful streamlined tools for splitting and merging connectivity data in dense nano-scale reconstruction better than ever before.
This research was enabled by the IARPA Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONS) program. Learn more about MICrONS.
NeuVue: A Framework and Workflows for High-Throughput Electron Microscopy Connectomics Proofreading
Check us out at the Computational Tools and Other Resources: Microscopy and Imaging session at SfN 2022!
Contact Us
We'd love to hear from you! Reach out at info@bossdb.org with questions or if you are interested in collaborating with us.